@extends('index-left-sidebar') @section('content')
{{-- Event Name, Date, Location --}}

{{ $event_info->name }}

@php $event_start = new DateTime($event_info->start_ts); $event_end = new DateTime($event_info->end_ts); $event_days_diff = $event_start->diff($event_end)->d; @endphp @if($event_info->type_by_venue == 'physical') @if ($event_days_diff > 0) {{ date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info->start_ts)) . ' - ' . date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info->end_ts)) . ', ' . $event_info->venue_name }} @else {{ date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info->start_ts)) . ', ' . $event_info->venue_name }} @endif @else @if ($event_days_diff > 0) {{ date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info->start_ts)) . ' - ' . date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info->end_ts)) }} @else {{ date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info->start_ts)) }} @endif @endif

{{-- E-mail Activities --}}

E-mail Campaigns

{{-- Chart --}} @if($chartData == 'jap')


@endif {{-- Timeline --}}
Add New
@if($emailActivities != 'nope') @foreach($emailActivities as $key => $emailActivity) @if($emailActivity->is_draft != null) @if($count_activities % 2 == 0)
@if($emailActivity->is_draft == 1)
@endif @if($emailActivity->scheduled_ts && $mailings_processes[$key] == 4 && date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($emailActivity->scheduled_ts)) > date('d.m.Y. H:i'))

{{ $emailActivity->mailing_activitie_name }}

{{ $emailActivity->mailing_type_name }}

@if($count_activities % 2 == 0) @else @endif @if($emailActivity->is_draft == 0 && $mailings_count_sent_first[$key]) @if($count_activities % 2 == 0) {{ 'Started at ' . date("d.m.Y.", strtotime($mailings_count_sent_first[$key])) }} @else {{ 'Started at ' . date("d.m.Y.", strtotime($mailings_count_sent_first[$key])) }} @endif @elseif($emailActivity->scheduled_ts && $mailings_processes[$key] == 4 && date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($emailActivity->scheduled_ts)) > date('d.m.Y. H:i')) @if($count_activities % 2 == 0) {{ 'Scheduled for ' . date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($emailActivity->scheduled_ts)) }} @else {{ 'Scheduled for ' . date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($emailActivity->scheduled_ts)) }} @endif @endif
Description {{ $emailActivity->description }}

E-mail Subject {{ $emailActivity->email_subject }}

From {{ $emailActivity->email_from_name }}

From E-mail {{ $emailActivity->email_from_email }}

Replay to E-mail {{ $emailActivity->email_replyto_email }}
@if(($emailActivity->is_draft == 0) && ($mailings_processes[$key] == 1 || $mailings_processes[$key] == 5))
@if($mailings_count[$key] != $mailings_count_sent[$key])
Activity in progress {{ $mailings_count_sent[$key] }} of {{ $mailings_count[$key] }} at {{ $now }} today

Notice: Undefined variable: mailings_count_sent in /home/imevent/public_html/resources/views/events/mailings/email-activities.blade.php on line 195

Notice: Undefined variable: key in /home/imevent/public_html/resources/views/events/mailings/email-activities.blade.php on line 195

Notice: Undefined variable: mailings_count in /home/imevent/public_html/resources/views/events/mailings/email-activities.blade.php on line 195

Notice: Undefined variable: key in /home/imevent/public_html/resources/views/events/mailings/email-activities.blade.php on line 195

Warning: Division by zero in /home/imevent/public_html/resources/views/events/mailings/email-activities.blade.php on line 195
Number of Recipients {{ $mailings_count_sent[$key] }}
Recipients who Opt-Out {{ $mailings_count_opt_out[$key] }}
@else @endif @endforeach @else

Add your first e-mail campaign!

Send e-mails related to your event, inform your target groups about great opportunities you offer, thank them, ask them to save the date, remind them to register... Possibilities are countless, choice is yours!
@endif @if($count_bad_activities == (is_array($emailActivities) ? count($emailActivities) : 1))

Add your first e-mail campaign!

Send e-mails related to your event, inform your target groups about great opportunities you offer, thank them, ask them to save the date, remind them to register... Possibilities are countless, choice is yours!